Hosted by Victor Schramm CFS®, CAS®, AIF®

Class: Art & Wealth Management

I’m going to be teaching a class about Art & Wealth Management. Over the years, I’ve encountered folks who own a fair amount of art (and a fair amount of wealth, sometimes at the same time). I’ve also been studying the subject of art and wealth management with OneArt Nation, reading books (Findlay’s The Value of Art has been a recent favorite). I’ve worked for a long time on the question of where are fits in a wealth management strategy, and this class is going to be about some of the studies I’ve read on asset pricing theory, valuation, market trends, and the market structure of the art market, as well as taxes, financing, and other niche topics on art & money.

Many of you know that I was once a professional artist. I also worked in art retail in Eugene & New York City before becoming a Financial Planner many years ago. My desire to smooth out the booms and busts of having art shows and selling some work while earning minimum wage at an art store and living in Brooklyn is how I started investing and becoming fascinated with Capital Markets in the first place. Part of my career as an artist was teaching art, and my wife reminded me yesterday that when we were first dating, I was teaching fine art printmaking at the time.

Teaching about art & money is the combination of my two greatest areas of interest and I am very pleased to have found a way after all this time to bring them under one umbrella for the evening. People have already started signing up and if it goes well (and people would like more of these), I may teach more of them.

If you can’t make it to this event but would be interested in attending future events on this topic, please let me know! I’d teach it every day if there were enough people interested.

Sign Up for the Class

About Chaim Investment Advisors:

Chaim Investment Advisors is a Registered Investment Advisor firm in Portland, Oregon. It’s lead by Investment Advisor Victor Schramm, CFS®, CAS®, AIF®.