“Is Gold a Safe Investment?”

March 31, 2020ETF's, International Investing, Investing
By Victor Schramm, CFS®, AIF®"Is Gold a Safe Investment?" Is gold a safe investment right now? I've heard this question countless times in my career and usually around times when the stock market is down a fair amount. I've never been asked this so many times as in the past week. It seems this is [...]

Notes on Coronavirus and Market Volatility

March 11, 2020ETF's, International Investing, Investing, Newsletter
By Victor Schramm, CFS®, AIF®Notes on Coronavirus and Market Volatility The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets.- Baron Rothschild I share the grim epigraph above from Baron Rothschild because it's my favorite quote on investing. Some might be surprised to read that, because I am decidedly uncomfortable with profiting from mass [...]

Our Portfolio Manager Earns the Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF®) Designation

March 10, 2020News, Socially Responsible Investing
By Victor Schramm, CFS®, AIF®Chaim Investment Advisors Has a New, Accredited Designation in Fiduciary Excellence After completing the Fi 360 course on Ethics and Fiduciary practice, I've earned the Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF®) designation. Aside from being yet another three letter acronym I attach to my name from now on, the AIF® is a milestone [...]