Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuities (MYGA’s) Explained

June 17, 2021Investing
By "Chaim" Victor Schramm, CFS®, CAS®, AIF®What is a Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuity (MYGA)? The world of Fixed Annuities is very broad (and for an introduction to the wide world of Fixed Annuities, I recommend the handy overview I wrote on this blog some time ago). If you've never looked into Fixed Annuities, today's topic, Multi [...]

“Bargain” Houses That Aren’t Bargains in the Pacific Northwest

June 15, 2021Real Estate
By "Chaim" Victor Schramm, CFS®, CAS®, AIF®"Bargain" Houses That Aren't Bargains in the Pacific Northwest There's been a great deal said about the phenomenon of Millennials and others buying up properties at rapid paces in the urban Pacific Northwest and elsewhere. This is particularly true of Portland, Oregon, where our firm has been based for [...]